Local Community Recovery
Get Assistance
For financial support options, visit the Service NSW Guide.
Complete the Disaster Assistance Finder to find out what support is available to you.
Call the Bushfire Customer Care Service on 13 77 88.
Primary Producer Assistance-Department of Primary Industries
Primary producers should report flood-related damage including stock and fodder losses, damage to crops, pastures, fencing and other farm infrastructure through the Natural Disaster Damage Survey.
NSW Department of Primary Industries Natural Disaster Damage survey ensures that you can use to record damage from natural disaster. You can include photos of damage and this assists DPI to view the survey in real time and results are used to determine:
- the area the natural disaster has impacted and the scale of the event
- the severity of the impact
- the value of impact to primary production
- where and what assistance or resources may be needed.
see https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/emergencies/emergency/community for more information
NSW Reconstruction Authority
NSW Reconstruction Authority
Helping communities rebuild and recover after disasters like floods, droughts and bushfires.
NSW Reconstruction Authority leads disaster and emergency efforts from prevention to recovery in New South Wales.
Please see https://www.nsw.gov.au/disaster-recovery for more information
National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA)
The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) is supporting families and communities across Australia on their disaster recovery journey.
NEMA has ‘boots on the ground’ across Australia through its network of Recovery Support Officers that help recovery and resilience in communities affected by disaster or drought.
They understand from their own experiences what people face as they recover and rebuild.
NEMA's Recovery Support Officers work together with all levels of government, industry, charities, and other organisations. They can:
· help connect you with the right support for your situation
· provide information, referrals and engage to gather front line information
· represent the National Emergency Management Agency at community forums and events, either individually or as a member of a small team
Recovery Support Officers are already in your local communities, if you live in an area affected by disaster or drought and have questions or concerns, let your local officer know.
Please see https://nema.gov.au/get-support/find-recovery-support-officer#/map

Recovery Centres
A Recovery Centre offers more than just support in applying for financial assistance, it’s also a place where affected people can share their concerns with people who understand what you’re going through.
There’s support for your immediate needs as well as information and advice about all the programs that are available from the government, charities and local support services.
Recovery Centre staff are able help you get application processes started and answer questions about your circumstances.
There’s support for individuals, businesses, farmers and landholders. And ongoing help is available over the phone.
Agencies and services at a centre may include local council, Disaster Welfare, small business, Red Cross, NSW Health, Legal Aid, Fair Trading, Salvation Army, chaplains and insurers.